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Ho Seok Kee

Ho Seok Kee (何淑芝), a mixed media artist, was born in 1963 in Singapore. She completed her Diploma in Fine Art with Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) in 2016. Kee studied ink painting and seal engraving under the tutelage of two renowned Singaporean artists, Wee Beng Chong(黄明宗) and Tan Kee Sek (曾纪策). Kee works predominantly with the Chinese ink medium but also produces works using other media like acrylic, oil or western watercolour and mixed media for soft sculptures and installation creations. Her Chinese ink works comprises of both the traditional and contemporary styles. Kee uses Chinese ink medium with the fusion of the eastern and western techniques to produce contemporary works, which are refreshing. Her current body of works is referenced from her living environment, technological innovations, and the everyday objects to the enigmatic. Kee sees her art making process continuing to evolve, as there is no stopping in art making.

Astute Art LLP 2023

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